Leading the Way - GeeseBeacons provide management and leadership programmes in several formats, all tailored to the needs of your organisation and the individual participants taking part. For 30 years, managers joining our programmes have learnt about leadership and management from fellow participants, as well from our expert facilitators.

Our on-site workshops, covering specific management and leadership topics, provide an easy way to refresh your skills or introduce new ideas to less-experienced managers and team leaders. There’s more detail about workshops such as problem solving, planning and organising the work of others on our management training page.

Our leadership programmes focus particularly on the difference between leadership skills and management skills. For many managers and team leaders this distinction is important and unfamiliar. Leadership implies movement, change, aligning people and taking them somewhere new.. activities that are less comfortable and familiar for most managers. Our main emphasis is practical and about readily learnt techniques to improve direction setting, aligning and motivating people in a continuously changing environment.

For many, one of the first steps in leadership is a better understanding of their personal strengths and weaknesses and how they impact on and affect the behaviour of other people. You may find our 360 Feedback pages offer a powerful and interesting way to achieve this.

Leadership in Action

We offer leadership training with a practical, partially outdoor flavour through our popular Leadership in Action Course which we first ran in 1981 – the particular part of the country where we ran it gave us our company name! Today Leadership in Action runs at The Speech House in the Forest of Dean, either in-house or as a public programme involving participants from several organisations.

Middle Leaders

Middle Leaders is a term widely used in schools, to describe those with growing management responsibility but a full-time teaching job to do as well. Middle Leaders applies equally well to team leaders and junior managers in business and other public sector organisations. We can help you retain and develop the talent of your Middle Leaders so that they don’t get stuck as ‘just’ excellent practitioners, or become disenchanted and seek opportunities elsewhere.

High Potential

HiPo, our high potential talent development programme, is a 6-12 month talent development opportunity for your high potential staff to stretch themselves and develop new skills and confidence. Often ambitious, young and impatient to progress, HiPo provides a perfect opportunity to develop their talent.

Leadership & Management  Skills Workshops

Short on-site workshops (from 2 hours to a day) on subjects such as: Leadership Styles, Project Management, Team Roles, Leading Change and Strategic Thinking, for example.